The Program

The Reflections on the Horizon program aims to foster community and connectedness among seniors and younger generations, breaking down generational divides and inspiring empathy and mutual learning. Through open and honest conversations, participants will challenge biases, gain new perspectives, and forge bonds that transcend age.

Workshops are coming in March 2024.

The vision is to create inclusive and connected communities where people of all ages thrive, embracing the richness of intergenerational diversity. With the Reflections on the Horizon workshops, we aim to foster solidarity and create a society where individuals of all ages feel valued, heard, and respected.

The Intergenerational Dialogue Workshops within the program will provide a safe and inclusive space for participants to share their experiences and learn from each other. Facilitated by experienced volunteers, these workshops will challenge age-related biases and promote mutual understanding through meaningful conversations and storytelling sessions, which works towards The NPF goal of discussing ageism, social inclusion and intergenerational solidarity.

The outreach plan for the program includes data collection through surveys and a story collection initiative to gather personal narratives that highlight the challenges of aging and the significance of solidarity and collective transformation. These stories will inform future programs and policies, contributing to a more age-inclusive society.

The NPF invites senior organizations to participate in the Reflections on the Horizon program and to partner with us to amplify its impact. Together, we can create a society where people of all ages stand united, positively impacting the lives of individuals and the broader community.

Workshop Registration

Tell Your Story

We invite you to share your personal experiences and stories related to ageism.

Your voice matters, and sharing your stories can raise awareness and combat ageism.

Let us work together to create a more inclusive and equitable future for people of all ages. Please take a moment to reflect on your experiences with ageism and consider sharing your story below. Sharing your story will be used in advocacy work at NPF.

To complete the survey, please click here.

Further Acknowledgement

We would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to the community-based stream of the Government of Canada’s New Horizons for Seniors Program (NHSP) for providing funding, in part, to support “Reflections on the Horizon: Stories of Aging, Solidarity, and Collective Transformation.”
The NHSP’s commitment to empowering seniors in their communities aligns perfectly with the objectives of our workshops.
With this funding, we can create a more inclusive society where intergenerational connections flourish and age-related biases are challenged.