Global Intergenerational Week

Greetings NPF Members and Affiliate Leaders, 

Please take time to recognize and participate in the Global Intergenerational Week in Canada, April 24 to 30, 2024.

1. Register for our own New Horizons Project (See attached document), NPF Combating Ageism Together webinar on April 25. Link to register:

2. Register for the SE Health national virtual event Imagine | Build |Play — Creating Spaces for All Ages. Taking place on April 24 from 1-2:30pm. Link to register: 

3. Sign the GAROP Global Alliance for the Rights of Older Persons petition to United Nations member states,

4. Join the CCAA, Canadian Coalition Against Ageism as an individual member or organization affiliate today: to Age with Rights, Together! More information on the CCAA here, 

5. Copy and send  Letters to Federal Canadian Ministers Urging Their Support of a UN Convention on the Rights of Older People in Advance of the Open-Ended Working Group on Ageing Link here,

Lastly, SE Health is the lead organization for Global Intergenerational Week in Canada celebrating the contributions of Older Persons. Please consider reviewing the SE News link with current activities planned. Follow link here;

All are welcome to participate and share widely.  Social Media hash tag, #AgeWithRights Post often!

Thank YOU! Together we can make a difference. Contact us should you need any further information.

Contact the NPF

Get in touch with the National Pensioners Federation by filling out the form below. We will get back to you as soon as we can.

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