CPP for Generations to Come

The Government of Alberta is currently asking residents for their views on withdrawing from the Canada Pension Plan (CPP). It’s an important decision, which Albertans have every right to make, but our members have been clear that a smaller, from-scratch provincial plan is simply too risky.
We’ve spent our careers contributing to a secure pension fund, the CPP. We cannot afford to be exposed to unnecessary risks, or used as political pawns in a game which could result in anyone losing even one dollar of their hard-earned retirement savings.
The success of the CPP is a direct result of 21 million Canadians pooling contributions to safeguard against market volatility and changing demographics. CPP Investments, the local investment management organization responsible for investing the CPP Fund, has a clear mandate to maximize returns without taking unnecessary risks, independent from political or government interference. Their diversified portfolio has achieved a 10-year net rate of return of 9.6% – a proven track record or performance.

Today, the CPP is well-funded, resilient, and financially sustainable for generations to come, despite rapidly aging populations and longer life expectancies. We must ensure it remains that way.
CPP Investments has launched a new online resource yourcpp.ca to support the conversation.
Sign up today and together, let’s protect your CPP.